Hangar-7 meets Rochini


We are happy to be the tabletop partner of this beautiful cookbook volume 4 from Executive Chef Martin Klein…:)

SI201711150109 hires jpeg 24bit rgb Hangar 7 meets Rochini

…really big dishes are more than the buzz of their parts …(Martin Klein)

Every year, he travels to the kitchens of the world’s most creative, dedicated and best chefs and then conjures their inspirations and recipes lovingly and lovingly on the plates of the local gourmets in hagar 7

Unbenannt1 Hangar 7 meets Rochini


Christophe Muller – Paul Bocuse – geeistes Zitrusfrüchte Souffle

Christophe Muller Paul Bocuse pic3  Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Ikarus Team – Tuna, Oliven, Ananas, Baerlauchkapern

Martin Klein Tuna Oliven Ananans Bärlauchkapern pic1 Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Best of Wien, Markus Mraz – Black Cod, Kohlsprossen, Erdnuss, Périgord Trueffel

Best of Vienna  Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Christophe Muller – Rotbarbe in knusprigen Kartoffelschuppen

Christophe Muller Paul Bocuse pic 2 Hangar 7 meets Rochini

José Avillez – Mandarin

Jose Avillez Belcanto LIssabon 1 Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Ikarus Team – Wagyu, Pont Neuf Kartoffel

Martin Klein Wagyu Pont Neuf Kartoffel pic2 Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Søren Selin – Kuerbis, Petersilie, Sanddorn,

Soren Selin AOC Kopenhagen Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Ikarus Team – Holunder, Walderdbeeren, Tagetes, Kaffee

Martin Klein Holunder Waldbeerren Tagetes Kaffee Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Isaac McHale – Glasierter Seeteufel, Gerste, gruene Tomaten, Aubergine,

Isaac McHale The Clove Club Londong Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Cover Ikarus Bd.4 Hangar 7 meets Rochini

Logo Rochini Zusatz Hangar 7 meets Rochini



(Fotocredits: Helge Kirchberger Photography / Red Bull Hangar-7 )